Zero waste in the mediterranean. Natural Resources, Food and Knowledge

Zero waste in the mediterranean. Natural Resources, Food and Knowledge

Today as in the past, food security, and agricultural development as a whole, are major strategic issues for the planet. For public opinion, and those not closely involved in the sector, the food crisis of 2008 pointed to the key role played by food and agriculture in strategic global affairs. However, while such events can sometimes serve to raise the level of political and media awareness of agriculture, it should be remembered that food is an imperative everywhere and at all times.

This is a story that is as old as humanity itself, and is not going to end any time soon. But a number of constraints are tightening their hold (shifts in demographics and food production, climate shocks), making this issue more of a structural challeng

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Daubigny's Garden - Vincent Van Gogh
Daubigny’s Garden – Vincent Van Gogh
Autore : FAO

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