Venerdì Culturale 24.04.2020 – Webinar “Proteggere le piante, proteggere la vita: Anno Internazionale della Salute delle Piante”

Venerdì Culturale 24.04.2020 – Webinar “Proteggere le piante, proteggere la vita: Anno Internazionale della Salute delle Piante”

Webinar “Proteggere le piante, proteggere la vita: Anno Internazionale della Salute delle Piante” *

 Venerdì 24/04/2020 dalle ore 17:00 alle 19:00  

Relatore: Dott. Mirko Montuori

Con un intervento del Prof. Andrea Vannini, Professore Ordinario

di Patologia Vegetale e Forestale dell’Università della Tuscia

Moderatore Andrea Sonnino

Organizzatore Nicola Colonna


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Plants are the foundation of life. They provide most of the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. Yet, they are under constant and increasing attack by pests and other pathogens. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2020 the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) to increase the awareness of the public and decision makers about the importance of healthy plants towards global issues such as food security, safe trade facilitation and environmental protection. The presentation will focus on the relation between plant health and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, along with the IYPH key messages and plans by FAO and the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention.

* Il seminario sarà tenuto in italiano 

Mirko Montuori

Mirko Montuori works as Governance and Public Information Specialist at the International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat headquartered in Rome. He is a partnerships and communications expert and has served for over ten years in this capacity at FAO, for the private sector and NGOs. Mirko has an academic background in International Relations and in Public Management, and carried out post-graduate studies in Diplomacy and Communications. He currently serves as FAO focal point for the IYPH International Steering Committee and is in charge of IPPC communications.

Ai partecipanti iscritti agli Ordini dei Dottori Agronomi e Dottori Forestali verranno riconosciuti 0,25 CFP




Autore : Redazione FIDAF

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