Today’s Food is a Modern Agricultural Miracle, So Why is It Under Attack?

Today’s Food is a Modern Agricultural Miracle, So Why is It Under Attack?

Agriculture is under attack. Environmentalists label modern farming as unsustainable, blaming farming for polluting the planet and destroying the climate. But today’s food is abundant and nutritious—a modern agricultural miracle.

From 1961 to 2013, world population more than doubled from 3.1 to 7.2 billion. But agricultural output more than tripled over the same period, according to data from the United Nations. We are slowly winning the battle against world hunger. The percentage of chronically undernourished people has fallen from 30 percent of world population in 1950 to about 11 percent today.

Not only the quantity, but the quality and variety of food are much better than in past ages. A 2015 study at Stockholm University compared modern food to recipes from the chef of King Richard II of England in the 1300s. The study concluded that people of today’s developed nations eat better than the kings of old…

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La Festa di san Giorgio - Pieter Brueghel Il Giovane
La Festa di san Giorgio – Pieter Brueghel Il Giovane
Autore : Steve Goreham,

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