Family Farming Knowledge Platform

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the UN Decade of Family Farming starting in 2019, to serve as a framework for developing public policies to support family farming worldwide. An extraordinary opportunity, the Decade can significantly contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 in an inclusive, collaborative and coherent way, by addressing family farming from a holistic perspective and eradicating rural poverty in all its forms.
To facilitate the implementation of the Decade, a global action plan will be developed based on the inputs gathered though the recently launched global consultation process seeking for the inputs of all relevant stakeholders.
With this email, we would like to invite your organization to participate in the consultation process and disseminate it to your members in order to build the global action plan of the Decade in a participative manner.
The Global Survey is available until 31 January 2019 in 6 languages under: Please, kindly help us with disseminating the survey within your networks.