New European project places value on forest ecosystem services

New European project places value on forest ecosystem services

Spurring INnovations for forest eCosystem SERvices in Europe (SINCERE) is a four-year project funded through the European Commission’s H2020 programme. Responding to society’s demands for services such as wood production, recreation, biodiversity provision and carbon storage, the project will look at innovative ways to value and implement such “forest ecosystem services”.

SINCERE will develop novel policies and new business models by connecting knowledge and expertise from practice, science and policy, across Europe and beyond. An international Learning Architecture will facilitate continuous collaborative learning from the project’s case studies, which are located in nine regions in Europe and two international cases in Peru and Russia. Innovations developed through SINCERE will be intentionally varying in nature but all will unlock the potential of forests to support a transition towards a green bioeconomy, where sustainably managed forests provide functions and services that meet a broad spectrum of societal demands…

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Adamo ed Eva nell'Eden - Pieter Brueghel Il Vecchio
Adamo ed Eva nell’Eden – Pieter Brueghel Il Vecchio
Autore : SISEF Newsletter

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