I. Chinese scientists synthesize complete active chromosomes with chemical compounds Chinese

I. Chinese scientists synthesize complete active chromosomes with chemical compounds Chinese

Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science

and Technology (MOST), P. R. CHINA 

Chinese scientists have synthesized four synthetic yeast chromosomes with chemical compounds,  marking a great stride forward in “re-creating life”. Researchers constructed synthetic active eukaryotic
chromosomes with small molecule nucleotides. This was the first time to exactly match the synthetic genome with the designed sequence. The synthesized saccharomyces genome has a complete life. The findings were published on Science on 10th, March 2017, making China the second country after the United States capable of designing and building eukaryotic genomes.

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Paesaggio invernale con pattinatori e trappola per uccelli - Pieter Brueghel Il Vecchio
Paesaggio invernale con pattinatori e trappola per uccelli – Pieter Brueghel Il Vecchio
Autore : China Science & Technology -Newsletter No. 4 Feb 28 2018

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